Proper Charlie

Maybe the problem is Charlie Haughey wasn’t that interesting. In a way, he wasn’t. I grew up with CJH as Taoiseach, yet no matter how many times I was assured he was a charismatic, powerful and dominant presence, I never saw it. I saw another dull grey politician, and Ireland being Ireland, it wasn’t that… Continue reading Proper Charlie


Sometimes, the internet intrudes on the “real world”. And sometimes, the real world intrudes on cyberspace. The Crystal Swing phenomenon began when they came to the attention of ‘pantibliss’, the blog account of Pantibar, a Dublin gay bar. [Pantibliss in turn gives the credit to Robert Popper]. From there, word spread across twitter, and the… Continue reading Swinging

July 20, 1969

Gerard Cunningham

I was four years old. Being four, I went to bed early, probably around 6pm, having spent a full day exhausting myself with the games four years olds fill their days with during endless summer. It wasn’t exactly the noise that wakened me, since there wasn’t any real noise. It was more a murmuring, the… Continue reading July 20, 1969

Media Bites

News has never been more immediate, with twentyfour hour rolling news channels, talk radio, websites, instant feedback through email, blogging, even twitter. And yet, for many in the industry, things have never been as grim. It’s not just that media groups face the same problems as everyone else, be it debt leverage, shellshocked pension funds,… Continue reading Media Bites

A Bit Of A TV Column

I really wanted to enjoy ‘This Is Nightlive‘ on RTE2 this evening. Ireland desperately needs a decent outlet for satire, and an Irish take on the Today Show and Stephen Colbert looked like an ideal vehicle. Sadly, RTÉ continues it’s flawless record of producing bad comedy. And I don’t mean ‘so bad it’s good’. Just… Continue reading A Bit Of A TV Column