I have earned every cent. And in all of my years of public life I have never obstructed justice. People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got. You know, I’ve acknowledged that I made a mistake, said that I regretted… Continue reading That Johann Hari apology in full
Tag: plagiarism
The death of journalism
Earlier this week, I spent half a day sitting in a district court. The district courts can be worthwhile if you’re a freelance journalist, but they’re a bit of a lottery too. Get in well with some of the staff, and you’ll get a tip off if there’s something interesting coming up. On Monday, I… Continue reading The death of journalism
Cash Call
Sixteen months ago, I wrote a story. It was a nice little story, with some good quotes from the main player. I sold it to a provincial paper. I posted the story on my website. Thanks to the vagaries of thesub editing process, what appeared on the website was different to what appeared in print.… Continue reading Cash Call
Careful Now!
New Media doesn’t get Old Media. Bloggers don’t get why Old Media is wary of two way communication, and become irked when they can’t respond with their opinions on news websites. After all, information wants to be free. Information may be free, but libel is expensive, Old Media replies. New Media knows this in its… Continue reading Careful Now!
Word’s Worth
These words are free. That is, it costs you nothing to read them, and unfortunately, I don’t get paid to write them. But these words are not completely free. They are intellectual property. I own these words. I choose where they appear, if at all, and no one else has the right to publish them… Continue reading Word’s Worth