Outside help

Young Scientist fallout - tweet from Kevin O'Sullivan

Last month, the Young Scientist of the Year contest was won by a kid who found  new kind of antibiotic in blackberries. There was some minor controversy afterwards, as it came out the kid had access to some facilities in a third level institution. It seems the use of outside facilities is allowed under the… Continue reading Outside help

Justice “administered in public” and data protection

A few weeks ago, a message appeared on a Facebook journalism court from a reporter, who had just been told he would not be allowed advance notice of district court cases any more because of “data protection” issues. I was curious to learn more, so I sent in a Freedom of Information request to find… Continue reading Justice “administered in public” and data protection

‘I am not bound by decisions made by my predecessors’ – RTE FOI

A few years ago, after reading a news story about a “dossier” sent to RTE about its political coverage by a political party, I sent in a freedom of information request, asking for “any submissions from political parties regarding partiality and bias in political reporting and commentary on RTE”. The request was initially refused, on… Continue reading ‘I am not bound by decisions made by my predecessors’ – RTE FOI

The Jobbridge database

The Jobbridge database [Version One] courtesy  of a Freedom of Information request. [Since the Excel XLSX file is rather large at over 14Mb, there may be problems in formatting etc. Any suggestions for improving usability gratefully received.] Version Two Jobbridge database in Socrata (from a suggestion by Steve White) Update- Version Three: Jobridge database as… Continue reading The Jobbridge database

Jobbridge and Freedom of Information

Jobbridge: Does exactly what it says on the tin

Victory of a sort…but mostly not In March 2012, I sent a Freedom of Information request to the Department of Social Protection (DSP), looking for the Jobbridge database. By July of the same year, DSP had replied with some of what I sought, but I had some problems, and so an appeals process began. My… Continue reading Jobbridge and Freedom of Information

RTE, BAI, and the marriage referendum

In response to a letter from the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland about coverage of same sex marriage, RTE politely responded that it knew how balance worked. I previously published a copy of the BAI’s letter to RTE, which I obtained from the BAI itself. Below are the letter and the official RTE response, obtained through… Continue reading RTE, BAI, and the marriage referendum

Freelance Forum: All you need to know

There are only only six days to go until Freelance Forum Autumn 2014. Have you reserved your place yet? Freelance Forum is a regular one day event designed to keep freelance journalists up to date with the latest developments in their industry. Aimed at writers and photographers, and hoping to cover print, broadcast and online,… Continue reading Freelance Forum: All you need to know

Who’s in Charge: FOI and the civil service

Today I wrote to the three TDs in my constituency to to express my concern at last minute changes to the Freedom of Information Act announced by Brendan Howlin on Friday. These changes, if put into law, will mean Ireland has one of the most restrictive FOI regimes in the world. Most worryingly, although only… Continue reading Who’s in Charge: FOI and the civil service