
I’m sure that lots has been written on online branding and identity, much of it by spoofing “social media consultants”, and some of it even useful. Either way, I was experineting with different twitter avatars last night, and because twitter chose to disable picture uploads, I now find myself stuck with an unfamiliar avatar. On… Continue reading Identity

Your Country?

In the ten days since its launch, ‘Your Country, Your Call‘ has attracted over 1600 suggestions. Not all are winners. Unorthodox proposals include privatising the army as an international mercenary force and “building a leprechaun theme park”. Other suggestions include converting unoccupied homes into tourist accommodation, a fundraising All Ireland 25 Card Drive to increase… Continue reading Your Country?

Striking An Odd Note

Meteor, the third place mobile telephone company in the Irish marketplace behind Vodafone and O2, has a new advertisement. The new commercial, which I caught on one of the radio stations as I drove home this evening, promotes the company’s mobile broadband offering. The service can be used for “those embarrassing music downloads, you know… Continue reading Striking An Odd Note