‘Anois teacht an Earraigh…’
The first words of an Irish poem, written by the blind poet Raifteiri and memorised by every schoolchild in Ireland.
‘Now that Spring is coming…’
According to the traditional Irish calendar, Spring begins on 1 February, Brigit’s Day. So naturally, Brigit being contrary at times, what with the confusion over whether she is a goddess or a saint, she made sure the snow fell today.
Your own pics, Ger? Beautiful, esp. the birds. The photo as a whole, I mean; but also the individual animals, and above all the fifth from right — he, or she, is gorgeous, and knows it.
The snow is general all over western Europe at the moment, isn’t it? Just not where I am, protected as it is in its natural kettle, the price paid being just above-freezing rainy grey sullen monotony all the year long, year in, year out, but snow never seen.
Very nice series of pics.
Got a text from a friend in Dublin, said it took her 4 hours to get home this evening (Monday) due to the snow!
Yes Mark, taken with my Canon 450D, then GIMPed for the most part. The picnic chairs, sheep and berries are as shot (except for resizing) but the others have been altered in various ways, greyscaled, adjusting brightness and contrast or colour balance.