Category: Photo
Sometimes words are not enough, and images tell the story better.
Notes from 7.11.21
Wikipage suggestion: Notable stories removed from Google search. Though as I understand it, it’s only when personal names are searched for that RTBF kicks in, so something like “€100k wedding cake” might still get a page hit? The bigger issue here of course is the wisdom of allowing a private company like Alphabet/Google make these… Continue reading Notes from 7.11.21
How It Works
Do not feed the trolls. It’s hard, and infuriating, and frustrating, but in 25 years online the only tactic I’ve ever seen work effectively is Do Not Feed The Troll. Do not feed them your time. Do not feed them your emotion. Do not feed them your attention. Do not feed them your audience.
What The-?
Myles and Miles to go before I sleep.
1916-2016: 100 years in a nutshell
From meme to meh
MoJo Kit
Kit used in the course of mobile journalism #mojo (mostly radio/audio at present) 1- Hama Traveller Compact Pro tripod 2- Canon 450D DSLR Camera + Canon EF-S 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Standard Zoom Lens 3- SD Cards 4- Audac CMX230 microphone 5- Samsung Galaxy S5 6- Panasonix RP-HC200 headphones 7- 1m XLR microphone cable 8- JTS… Continue reading MoJo Kit
“This is a Catholic country”
Moneygall prepares for Obama
Some images from a visit to Barack Obama’s ancestral hometown of Moneygall, Co Offaly, earlier this week. All images © Gerard Cunningham