The Jobbridge database [Version One] courtesy of a Freedom of Information request.

[Since the Excel XLSX file is rather large at over 14Mb, there may be problems in formatting etc. Any suggestions for improving usability gratefully received.]
Version Two
Jobbridge database in Socrata (from a suggestion by Steve White)
Update- Version Three: Jobridge database as a CSV file
This links to is the Excel file of Jobbridge companies, exported to a CSV file, and then compressed to a ZIP file. This results in a reduction in file size from 48Mb to 12Mb. Since Google Drive complains about large file sizes, this should make the data easier to access.
GC, 12 July 2021.
perhaps turn it into the source of data for a website similar to some of the data analysis pieces @
That’s beyond my technical abilities, but feel free to take the data
Socrata is little better able to handle and display large files
Socrata human ordered view