As a weekend roundup, a few stories (not all of them new) about investigative journalism that caught my attention recently…
Shoe leather and paywalls: A French website exposes corruption and shakes up the political scene.
De Correspondent: A Dutch news site raises €1 million through crowdfunding.
Reboot the news: What If Publishers Could Start From Scratch?
Need a paywall? Try Tinypass.
Did I say paywall? I meant subscription of course. Stop saying paywall.
Contrarians: The newsonomics of the Orange County Register’s contrarian paywall.
Non-profit? Here’s how some make it work.
That said, I persist in the foolish notion that journalism should pay its way. There’s not that much difference between a government holding the purse strings (and therefore pulling your strings) and a philanhropist doing the same thing.
Then there’s this:
And finally, as much for what it says about design and format as anything else, Sub Compact Publishing by Craig Mod (quite a long read).