Imagine a new magazine. What does it take to hold your interest?
For a while now, I’ve been playing with the idea of a new magazine covering Irish current affairs. One decent investigative piece every issue, half a dozen or so strong analysis pieces, perhaps an extended interview, and a few other pieces to lighten the load.
For obvious reasons (I have little capital) this would be an online magazine, distributed to readers by way of a kindle reader, or a iPad or Androis tablet, or even a smartphone.
But what kind of content should it carry? When I can get all the reading I want for free online, what do I have to offer to persuade you, the reader, to hand over a few euro? A sports column? Arts and media reviews (and does that mean established arts and media, or should it review things like gaming)? Should I end with the tradition humour column, or just lose it? Humour is tricky at the best of times. Maybe just an editorial cartoon instead?
So yesterday, I asked a question on twitter.
I’m still thinking about the answers I received, so feel free to add your thoughts to the conversation.
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