Let’s pretend our constitution doesn’t guarantee a woman’s right to find out about abortion services in Great Britain.
Let’s pretend our constitution doesn’t explicitly promise that woman that she won’t be arrested as she boards the jet to fly to Britain for that abortion.
Let’s pretend instead that Ireland is a sacred place where no women ever needs an abortion.
Let’s pretend our abortion laws do anything other than discriminate against those who are too poor to travel.
Let’s pretend our laws don’t endanger the lives of women facing emergency crises during pregnancy.
Let’s pretend the attorney general and the parliamentary drafters haven’t been poring over the ABC judgements from the European Court of Human Rights since it was published thirteen (yes, thirteen) months ago.
Let’s pretend there isn’t already a piece of legislation pretty much prepared, ready for the cabinet to approve.
Let’s pretend that anything the Oireachtas health committee does will make a damn bit of difference to what the cabinet decides.
Let’s pretend our parliament holds our government to account, and that TDs and Senators who have spent three days listening to submissions on abortion legislation this week will not be whipped into voting along party lines.