Lest We Forget

Robert McCallion was 29 years old. He was born in Swinford, Co Mayo. He was a Guard, as was his father. His brother is also a member of the force.

Robert was an active member of his local GAA club in Swinford. He won a county minor title in 1997, and played at minor and under-21 level for Mayo.

He was severely injured when he responded to a reported car theft in Letterkenny at 4.30am on 26 March. Two men in a stolen car drove at him, accelerating. He was pinned to a wall, and suffered severe head injuries.

He was rushed to Letterkenny general hospital, and from there to Dublin.

He died today in Beaumont hospital.

There won’t be 200 words in today’s column. Robert deserves better than a gimmick.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.

By Gerard Cunningham

Gerard Cunningham occupies his time working as a journalist, writer, sub-editor, blogger and podcaster, yet still finds himself underemployed.


  1. Honestly, the emphasis on his profession and recreational credentials are lost on me. Do you know what Roy Collins did in his spare time?

    Young men are dying unnecessarily. The sense of tradgedy is not heightened by their occupations.

  2. Perhaps, but by identifying him only as a Garda, he becomes only that, another faceless man in uniform. It’s worth remembering that he lived a full life as a member of his community. He had a life beyond the uniform.

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