I spent Saturday in Dublin Castle, watching as the non-event that was the Lisbon treaty referendum count unfolded with a complete lack of drama.

Bored journalists loitered without intent, and occasionally politicians showed up grinning from ear to ear and basking in victory, photographers snapped away, and Nigel Farage spoke in front of foreign cameras as the story moved away from Ireland to concentrate on Westminster, Warsaw and Prague.
Unfortunately for Brian Cowen, the ink was barely dry on the opinion pieces speculating that the victory would reinvigorate his government, when the decay set in.
Gazumped by John O’Jonoghue’s decision to place his expenses in the Dáil library, the Sunday Tribune and Ken Foxe went ahead with their in depth report on the Ceann Comhairle’s expenses.
By Sunday evening, Fine Gael and Labour were making discontented noises, looking for a meeting with the taoiseach.
O’Donoghue’s expenses have been a casual talking point countrywide since July, and a battered electorate is furious. The defence (offered more than once) that O’Donoghues spending was par for the course has impressed no-one.
Over at The Story, you can check out the Bull’s expenses.
And the lads have ambitious plans for the future.