At time of writing, subscriptions to Guth stand at €1240, just short of 10% of the final target of €13500 I need to raise in order to make the project a reality.
(If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can pledge your contribution at
I’ve had some questions about what forms Guth will take. Will there be an app, for example, so this update will answer that question.
Guth will at first be a website, and all subscribers will receive passwords to read behind the paywall.
The website has the advantages of being readable on all devices, from smartphone to tablet to computer screen, but I would like other options too.
An app may happen at some point, but since the budget for Guth already operates on a shoestring, that’s a longer term project.
In the near- to mid-term, I’d like to look at other ways of distributing to smartphones and tablets, for example Newsstand for iThings, and through kindle apps. I’d hoped to have a kindle magazine version, but Amazon have changed how kindle-based magazines work (in effect, no new magazines) but I’m looking at the possibility of using Kindle Singles or Kindle “book editions”.
I’ll update on progress on these options as it occurs.
In the meantime, you can do your bit to make Guth a reality by telling your friends about it, through Facebook, Google+, twitter, or any other social networks you use. Rumour has it you can even tell people things face to face using something called Real Life.