This Is QNN
QNN feels a little on the nose, so I doubt I’m the first to think of it. I’m sure there are people out there using it as a handy name for media platforms supplying Q-Anon-inspired Qonspiracy theorists with grist.
As an aside, I’m surprised we haven’t seen more about Gaia as the conspiracy Qovid conspiracies multiply. A pandemic is exactly the kind of thing you’d expect a sentient planetary goddess to come up with to innoculate herself against a species who were changing the climate, causing her to run a temperature.
Selling Out
But back to QNN. Working to build a new influencer base at my age isn’t really feasible.
The only way to make a go of it seems to be to cultivate the kind of audience that follows people like Alex Jones.
George Hook or John Waters might be happy to head down that road, but I don’t think I could.
Not while keeping a straight face anyway. The mask would crack.
And if it didn’t, I don’t think I would be able to sleep at night.
I’m just not built to be McQook.
So I don’t think I’ll be reporting from QNN anytime soon.