Fair dealing?

Image via Morguefile.com

Unless I explicitly agree otherwise, I own the copyright.
That means you get to publish it once in print, and once on your website if we agree to it. You don’t get syndication rights.
The price is €250 for a story exclusive to you.
The price is €150 for a story not exclusive to you.
No, it is not negotiable.
If you commission a story, the kill fee is 100%.
Photographs, audio or moving images are extra.

Well, I can dream.
In reality, copyright is an illusion for many freelance journalists.

Sure, I retain copyright, but I’ll be given (or assumed to have consented to) a contract which grants the publisher a worldwide exclusive syndication licence. My work can show up in print or on air in places I’ve never even heard of.
There will be an assumption that the publisher has a right to place it online.
The price will be whatever the publisher decides, take it or leave it.
This kill fee will be 50%. If I’m lucky and there is a kill fee.

A lot of people say I should make a submission to the Copyright Review Committee before next Friday. I’m not sure why I should bother.

Image via Morguefile.com
Categorised as 200 Words

By Gerard Cunningham

Gerard Cunningham occupies his time working as a journalist, writer, sub-editor, blogger and podcaster, yet still finds himself underemployed.