Apple’s latest software release for the iPhone, iOS6, contains some errors in its new Apple Maps app.
Justice minisiter Alan Shatter writes:
I want to acknowledge the value of online map applications and the assistance they give to the general public. I know on occasion mistakes can be made and I am surprised to discover that Airfield, which is in the centre of my constituency in Dundrum, has, in Apple’s new operating system iOS 6 maps application, been designated with the image of an aircraft. Airfield, a 35 acre estate with working farm, formal gardens and café is of course a famous and immensely popular, important local amenity. Clearly the designation is not only wrong but is dangerously misleading in that it could result in a pilot, unfamiliar with the area, in an emergency situation and without other available information, attempting a landing. I have arranged that Apple be informed of the error and requested that it be urgently corrected. In context of Airfield there are a variety of possible alternative images that could be utilised such a cow, a goat, a sheep, a flower or any indeed other type of plant as Airfield operates a nursery. An aircraft is an entirely inappropriate flight of imagination.
Airline pilots use iPhones* to navigate? Who knew?
[*Okay, maybe on Ryanair]