The average industrial wage is a moveable feast. Last year David Cullinane told me he took home €530 a week. Pearse Doherty takes home €540 a week at present. That’s the thing with averages. They change over time. How Sinn Féin managed a wage increase when incomes are falling is a question for another day.
In accounts published yesterday, Pearse Doherty revealed he employed a constituency worker costing €24011.24. Since Pearse presumably pays employer’s PRSI, I’m guessing the employee’s gross wages are less than that figure. Pearse himself took home €29170 net.
In 2009, Pearse donated €6000 to Sinn Féin. SIPO has yet to update their website to show donations in 2010. Pearse’s accounts for 2011 show no similar donation.
Earlier on twitter, I was told I was “the only one saying SF draw the AIW from the taxpayer. Doherty gets AIW rest to party”.
Yet that cannot happen. Pearse’s account show he is paid €57550 by the Oireachtas (€93K less taxes). He then uses part of that money to pay an employee.
Contrary to what my twitter debater thinks, Pearse couldn’t possibly hand over €24011.24 to the party. That would be illegal. The maximum allowed donation is €6348.59.
He is also getting the average industrial wage tax free, so he is living on more than the industrial wage.