Banging on the same old drum

The average industrial wage is a moveable feast. Last year David Cullinane told me he took home €530 a week. Pearse Doherty takes home €540 a week at present. That’s the thing with averages. They change over time. How Sinn Féin managed a wage increase when incomes are falling is a question for another day.

In accounts published yesterday, Pearse Doherty revealed he employed a constituency worker costing €24011.24. Since Pearse presumably pays employer’s PRSI, I’m guessing the employee’s gross wages are less than that figure. Pearse himself took home €29170 net.

In 2009, Pearse donated €6000 to Sinn Féin. SIPO has yet to update their website to show donations in 2010. Pearse’s accounts for 2011 show no similar donation.

Earlier on twitter, I was told I was “the only one saying SF draw the AIW from the taxpayer. Doherty gets AIW rest to party”.

Yet that cannot happen. Pearse’s account show he is paid €57550 by the Oireachtas (€93K less taxes). He then uses part of that money to pay an employee.

Contrary to what my twitter debater thinks, Pearse couldn’t possibly hand over €24011.24 to the party. That would be illegal. The maximum allowed donation is €6348.59.

Categorised as 200 Words

By Gerard Cunningham

Gerard Cunningham occupies his time working as a journalist, writer, sub-editor, blogger and podcaster, yet still finds himself underemployed.

One comment

  1. He is also getting the average industrial wage tax free, so he is living on more than the industrial wage.


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